Wednesday, February 8, 2012

the fine line between love and hate.....

Have you ever had something you love turn into something you despise because of sheer repetition?....i mean people say that when they love something...when they're really passionate bout something....they could do it forever....

FOREVER?!...that's a long bloody time...and i don think i can ever do one thing forever and love it....and let me clarify....i'm talking bout jobs here...something you do for a livelihood...when i'm forced to do something ...when something becomes an obligation/responsibility (like a job!)...i instantly develop a dislike (or at least a healthy distaste) for it...even if it is something that i've loved doing all my life...

So i don't understand...have i not found my passion yet...or am i just built to hate work?....

Allow me to elaborate...reading has always been something i've loved doing....but the second a book becomes part of 'work' a part of my syllabus or something ..reading the book (which i would've probably loved under different circumstances) becomes a drag...similarly...i love to write....and normally...words just flow...but when i'm forced to do a part of my job...suddenly its all like 'whoa! roadblock!'...i need to literally wring my brain dry to come up with even the basic-est of lines!.....*AAAAARGH*....

Which is why my blog is updated so intermittently....cause keeping a blog up-to-date is sorta, well, like a job!...and one that doesn't really pay at that (materialistically i mean)! after an initial burst of enthusiasm wears off....and my poor li'l blog stagnates....yes, i know...stagnates is a harsh, strong word....but imma use it here...can't sugarcoat my online inactivity anymore...

*sigh*...i guess sometimes in life you need to force yourself to do things that you don't really want to...but the problem is...i don't wanna risk developing a distaste for the things i love to does this mean that i should pick a career doing something that i dislike already and hope that i don't self-destruct?...or should i stick to doing something i love....and hope that the initial ennui/dislike/put negative emotion of your choice here, fades away....the question, though, is....WILL it fade?!!.....*sigh*....